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Author Archives: ellen

Masala Chai – At-home Brewing Instructions

>> Purchase our Masala Spice Blend and Assam CTC Black Tea (1 ounce of masala spices and 1 ounce of Assam CTC makes approximately 12, 8 ounce cups of chai and our box of Masala Chai Spice Blend (which contains 1.75 ounces of Assam CTC (or Rooibox) and 1.75 ounces of Masala spices in separate packets) makes approximately 20 cups). (This recipe makes about 3, 8 ounce cups – cut recipe in half for one large mug) Put 4 teaspoons of […]

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Tulsi Holy Basil for Stress Relief

Instead of getting a prescription for your stress, consider trying a natural and sacred plant: holy basil. Also called tulsi, holy basil (Ocimum sanctum) is a sacred plant in India with strong, clove-like aroma and taste. It demonstrates a lack of toxicity and a variety of benefits, including reducing inflammation, protecting the body and brain from harmful effects of stress, and exerting a positive influence on mood. It is safe to use with pharmaceutical antidepressants. Dr. Weil’s colleague Jim Nicolai, […]

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Apr 6: Hiroko plays the Shamisen

Saturday, April 6, 7 – 7:40PM Hiroko Fogarty will play the Shimasen, a traditional Japanese stringed instrument. Hiroko performed the Japanese Tea ceremony at the tearoom which many folks will remember was quite a treat. Join us for this unique cultural performance. Free

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More turn to tea as benefits become known

Worldwide, tea is the second-most-popular drink, after water. But in this coffee-crazed nation, it’s long been a subordinate brew. Until now. Read more from USAToday…

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How to use your Libre Tea Glass

The Libre Glass’n Poly is designed in Canada and for sale at Dobrá Tea. This short instructional video from Libre Tea explains how it works and the two ways to brew tea in it. Please note: When brewing with very hot water and inverting the Libre, before opening you’ll want to release some of the steam pressure that has built up by slightly unscrewing/and then re-tightening the top, otherwise it may leak, and pressure can build up  – DO NOT […]

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We have Gift Baskets and Gift Certificates

We have gift certificates and baskets here for the holiday season, perfect for the tea lover or tea aficionado! Gift baskets are available in $20-60 price ranges. Gift certificates are available in any denomination $5 and up.

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Gong Fu Ceremony with Wei Jia

From our recent Oolong tea class, this 20 minute video shows Wei Jia who was trained in tea school in Beijing,China.   Gong Fu from Dobra Tea Portland on Vimeo.

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Health Benefits of Tea: Milking It or Not

The idea that milk may diminish the potential heart-health benefits of tea has been a topic of some debate. Lots of us can’t imagine black tea without a little dairy to cut the bitterness. But, according to this research going back to 2007, we might want to at least consider trying, say, a nice cup of green tea sans sugar or cream. More from

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China Tea Journey 2012: Map, Itinerary & Photos

See the slideshow. On April 17 at 6AM, Ray hopped on a plane bound for the tea fields of China.  With little more than a 2600 cu in. backpack, he started his trek in Kunming and ended the journey 35 days later in Shanghai’s tea markets. Through photos, videos, and a map, we document our first trip to China for tea. Though Ray did pack very light, photos taken with a small camera and an ipod Touch for timely updates […]

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China Tea Journey 2012: Photos from the Road

See the slideshow in larger format and without using Flash. Images shown in order of newest first.

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First Friday May: Photographs from Tea Countries

In the artist’s words: “These photos were taken in India, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka in the late 1970s on a number of trips I made there as a photographer, a stringer for the Black Star photo agency. I was fortunate enough to spend a number of years in many parts of Asia in my twenties after studying photography and anthropology at Bennington College in Vermont. I liked wild places, and looked for beauty in the primitive and often harsh […]

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Three cups of tea a day ‘protects against heart problems and diabetes’

“Great news: In terms of the delivery of antioxidants, two cups of tea is said to be the equivalent to five portions of vegetables” Drinking just three cups of tea a day may protect against heart attacks and type 2 diabetes, claim researchers. A review shows regular drinking of black tea, with or without milk, can reduce the risk of heart  problems by cutting levels of bad cholesterol and blood sugar. Read more from The Daily Mail.

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