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Tea Blog & Travels

Ray and Ellen rolling tea, Forest Hill Tea, Sri Lanka, March 2020
Read about our Tea Travels

We hope to impart tea knowledge and learning opportunities to our customers through this blog.We receive a lot of questions about tea brewing, production methods, organic tea farming and more. Here we hope to impart some knowledge and resources for better understanding and appreciating for the world\’s second most consumed beverage – tea!

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Recent Blog Posts

Health Benefits of Tea: Milking It or Not

The idea that milk may diminish the potential heart-health benefits of tea has been a topic of some debate. Lots of us can’t imagine black tea without a little dairy to cut the bitterness. But, according to this research going back to 2007, we might want to at least consider trying, say, a nice cup of green tea sans sugar or cream. More from

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China Tea Journey 2012: Map, Itinerary & Photos

See the slideshow. On April 17 at 6AM, Ray hopped on a plane bound for the tea fields of China.  With little more than a 2600 cu in. backpack, he started his trek in Kunming and ended the journey 35 days later in Shanghai’s tea markets. Through photos, videos, and a map, we document our first trip to China for tea. Though Ray did pack very light, photos taken with a small camera and an ipod Touch for timely updates […]

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China Tea Journey 2012: Photos from the Road

See the slideshow in larger format and without using Flash. Images shown in order of newest first.

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Green tea drinkers show less disability with age

Elderly adults who regularly drink green tea may stay more agile and independent than their peers over time, according to a Japanese study that covered thousands of people. Green tea contains antioxidant chemicals that may help ward off the cell damage that can lead to disease. Researchers have been studying green tea’s effect on everything from cholesterol to the risk of certain cancers, with mixed results so far. Read more on the study from Reuters.

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Suitable moments for drinking tea…

From the Chinese Tea Classic Ch’a-su   When we are interrupted while contemplating During a good conversation deep into the night When there is a light soft drizzle With agreeable friends When the children are at school In a bamboo grove on a spring evening Under unusual rocks.   Unsuitable moments: At the theatre While opening letters When the children are not at school In torrential rain.   To be avoided when drinking tea: Sullen servants Bad waters Money worries […]

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Dr Weil: Five reasons to drink green tea

If you haven’t found a green tea you like, it may be be in the the perception and preparation. Time, temperature and tea are all important factors in brewing green tea as it is more sensitive to water temperature and brewing time. Over steeping, especially in near-boiling water will scorch the leaves. We have about 25 green teas available for you to try – ranging from naturally slightly sweet to brothy and savory. We’ve all heard the health benefits of […]

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Why is my green tea bitter?

What you brew for tea is as important as how long you brew it. One of the most obvious results of this is with green tea when boiling water and steeping for longer than 1 minute will give you the bitter tea result. When brewing tea, it’s all about time, temperature and the type of tea. With green tea, we suggest boiling the water, waiting 5 minutes for it to cool  before pouring it over the green tea leaves. And […]

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Selling Organic: Pros and cons

by Charles Cain “The complexities of Organic Certification and the differences between the requirements of different consuming countries tilts the scales in favor of the huge tea conglomerates (read: “big business”) with thousands of acres under production. Some of my best tea experiences involve small lot teas from small, family run tea gardens.”  Read more…

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